
The Seven steps of preparing a presentation:

1. Defining your objectives
2. Considering your audience
3. Deciding your close
4. Planning your opening
5. Developing the body
6. Using visual aids
7. Putting it all together


Three of the most important rules of presenting.

★Rule 1.

Lack of preparation for a presentation is a recipe for disaster.

★Rule 2.
“Tell them what you are going to say;
Say it;
Then tell them what you said.”

Tell them what you are going to say→未来形を使う
Say it→現在形を使う
Then tell them what you said→過去形を使う

★Rule 3.

Keep it short and simple


Have clear objective

A presentation with no clear objectives is a presentation with no hope.
Never make presentations without having clear objectives.

Presentation objectives

Your objectives → Audience’s actions
Persuade → Believe / Take action
Inform → Remember
Explain → Understand
Instruct → Know how to do


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